About Me

I’ve made my living as a ghostwriter for more than a decade, but I can’t tell you the names of my clients. I’ve also amused myself by blogging under the alias of my alter ego for a long time too. Now, writing knowing that I’m putting my own name on the cover has been liberating and scary too. I mean, a brief perusal of the vicious criticism heaped on even successful writers like Dan Brown or E.L. James almost sent me not just hiding under my covers, but all the way under my bed. Gosh people. Lighten up.
I’m a wife, mother of two, and we live in Los Angeles, share our house with rescued pets, and are vegetarian/sustainable pescatarians. What? Too much honesty?
If you’re reading this because you’ve enjoyed one of my books, I thank you for taking a chance on me. If you’re reading this to help you decide whether or not to read one of my books, I hope you find what you’re looking for.
– Anna Erikssön Bendewald

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